Coordinated digital marketing and public relations programs are a great way to get your business noticed by the right people. To make this work, you’ll need to use digital media effectively to reach your target audience. And, you will need a targeted PR campaign to...
Grow your business
Using Social Media and Game Mechanics Improve Learning
Do you hear what I hear? After reading Social Networking in Schools on the Huffington Post today, I recognized that nearly every project I've worked on over the past year has pointed towards a new round of convergence -- a mash-up of social media, mobile...
Is There a Downside to the Upside of Social Media?
Between the Susan Boyle phenomenon, participating in a panel discussion on the importance of social media in business as part of NYC Entrepreneur Week and watching clients eyes cross when I urge them to Twitter, I've been thinking a lot about social media lately. Is...
Susan Boyle Meets the (Social) Media
Just minutes after West Lothian phenom Susan Boyle walked onto the stage of Britian's Got Talent last Saturday night, even snarky Simon Cowell's heart was melting under the brilliance of her song. So too everyone fortunate to be watching the show live across the UK....
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant